Trauma & Critical Illness Cover

Pays a lump sum because of a Major illness…

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Trauma cover, also known as critical illness cover, is a form of insurance that provides financial protection in the event of a serious medical condition or critical illness. This type of coverage offers a lump-sum payment upon the diagnosis of a specified critical illness or medical condition at certain criteria. Here’s an introduction to trauma and critical condition cover and why you should consider having it:

  1. Purpose of Trauma Cover:
    • Financial Security: The primary purpose of trauma cover is to offer financial security during a challenging time when facing a critical illness. The lump-sum payment is designed to help cover medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, to do your bucket list, top income up and other financial burdens associated with the illness.
  2. Covered Critical Illnesses:
    • Comprehensive Protection: Trauma cover typically includes a range of critical illnesses such as heart attack, stroke, cancer, major organ transplant, paralysis, and other severe medical conditions. This coverage is meant to address a variety of health challenges that may have a significant impact on your life.
  3. No Requirement for Death:
    • Living Benefits: Unlike life insurance, trauma cover provides benefits while the policyholder is still alive. The lump-sum payment is triggered by the diagnosis of a covered critical illness along with a criteria to meet, you must survive 14 days after meeting the criteria.
  4. Financial Flexibility:
    • Use of Funds: The lump-sum payment provides financial flexibility, allowing policyholders to use the funds as needed. This could include medical treatments, experimental therapies, modifications to living arrangements, or even taking time off work to focus on recovery.
  5. Supplementing Health Insurance:
    • Beyond Medical Costs: While health insurance covers medical expenses, trauma cover goes beyond by providing financial assistance for various non-medical costs associated with critical illnesses. This can include lifestyle adjustments, caregiving support, prescriptions, and other unforeseen expenses.
  6. Peace of Mind:
    • Reducing Financial Stress: Knowing that you have financial protection in place can reduce the stress associated with the financial impact of a critical illness. This peace of mind allows individuals to concentrate on their recovery without worrying about the economic consequences.
  7. Survivorship Benefit:
    • Financial Support During Recovery: Trauma cover serves as a survivorship benefit, providing financial support during the recovery phase. The lump-sum payment can contribute to maintaining a certain quality of life despite the challenges posed by the critical illness.
  8. Adapting to Changing Circumstances:
    • Coping with Lifestyle Changes: Critical illnesses often bring about lifestyle changes. Trauma cover can help policyholders adapt to these changes by providing the financial means to make necessary adjustments in living arrangements, transportation, or home modifications.
  9. Additional Benefits and Riders:
    • Customizable Coverage: Some trauma cover policies offer additional benefits or riders, allowing policyholders to customize their coverage based on specific needs. This can include partial payments for less severe conditions or coverage for additional events.

Having trauma and critical condition cover is a proactive approach to managing the financial risks associated with severe health challenges. It complements other insurance coverages, offering a holistic strategy for protecting your financial well-being and providing peace of mind during difficult times. As with any insurance decision, it’s important to carefully review policy terms, understand the covered conditions, and consider seeking professional advice to tailor coverage to your individual needs.

Overview of Trauma Insurance

Outlined below are the main events covered, structural elements, additional benefits, and some useful tips. Here’s a summary of the key points and tips:

Main Events Covered:

  1. Trauma Events: Conditions such as cancer, heart attack, stroke, and more are covered, with specific definitions outlined in the policy wording.
  2. Lump Sum Payment: Upon qualifying for a covered condition, the policy provides a lump sum payment.
  3. Condition Variations: Different insurance companies cover varying numbers of conditions, ranging from 7 to 46 or more.


  1. Beneficiary: Benefits are paid to the remaining policy owner(s).
  2. Inflation Adjustment: Some policies offer an inflation-adjusted option.
  3. Guaranteed Renewable: Generally renewable until age 70 once accepted into the policy.
  4. Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD): Some policies include TPD as a condition within Trauma Cover.

Premium Structures:

  1. Stepped Option: Premiums increase with age.
  2. Level Premium Option: Premiums can be averaged over a certain number of years, but they may be annually reviewable based on claims experience.

Additional Benefits:

  1. Children Cover: Can be added or automatic in some policies to assist with costs if a child develops a major critical illness.
  2. Diagnosis or Partial Payment Feature: Offers an early partial payment based on lighter criteria for certain covered conditions.
  3. Trauma Buy Back Option: Offers cover back after a year of a claim for remaining conditions.
  4. Continuous Trauma or Immediate Buy Back: Allows for multiple claims.
  5. Life Cover Buy Back: Provides an option to add life cover back after a reduced benefit following a trauma claim.


  1. Debt Management: Clearing debt before a traumatic event can ease financial burdens.
  2. Stress Reduction: Taking a holiday post-trauma can help reduce stress.
  3. Financial Security: Building a financial platform without worry about money allows focus on recovery.
  4. Children’s Cover: Having trauma cover for children assists if unpaid leave is needed to be with them during a critical illness.

These tips and insights provide a valuable guide for individuals considering or currently holding Trauma Insurance, emphasizing the importance of comprehensive coverage, financial planning, and support for both the policyholder and their family.

Click here to request a quote or feel free to call us on              0800 822 122

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