Income Protection

Pays an ongoing income if you are unable to work due to sickness or injury…

What is Income Protection?

Key Features:

  1. Replacement of Lost Income:
    • Income protection insurance pays a percentage of your pre-disability income if you are unable to work due to a covered illness or injury. This helps you maintain your standard of living during a period of incapacity.
  2. Monthly Benefit Payments:
    • Rather than a lump sum, income protection provides regular monthly benefit payments, which can continue until you recover, retire, or the policy term ends.
  3. Waiting Period:
    • Policies often include a waiting or “deferred” period before benefits kick in. This period is the time between the start of your disability and when benefit payments begin.
  4. Benefit Period:
    • The benefit period determines how long benefit payments will last. Policies may offer short-term coverage (e.g., 2 years) or long-term coverage until retirement age.

Why Should You Have Income Protection?

  1. Financial Security During Disability:
    • Income protection provides a financial safety net, ensuring that you continue to receive a portion of your income if you are unable to work due to illness or injury.
  2. Meeting Ongoing Expenses:
    • Monthly benefit payments help cover essential expenses, including mortgage or rent, utility bills, groceries, and other day-to-day costs, allowing you to maintain your lifestyle during a period of incapacity.
  3. Reducing Financial Stress:
    • Knowing that you have income protection in place can reduce financial stress during challenging times, allowing you to focus on recovery without worrying about immediate financial obligations.
  4. Flexible Use of Funds:
    • Unlike some other insurance types that have specific purposes, income protection provides a flexible income stream that you can use as needed, whether for medical expenses, rehabilitation, or any other financial need.
  5. Customizable Coverage:
    • Income protection policies can be tailored to your specific needs, including choosing the waiting period, benefit period, and the percentage of your pre-disability income to be replaced.
  6. Complementing Other Insurance:
    • While health insurance covers medical expenses, income protection addresses the broader financial impact of being unable to work. It can complement other insurance coverages, providing a comprehensive risk management strategy.
  7. Maintaining Financial Independence:
    • Income protection helps you maintain financial independence by covering ongoing expenses, reducing the need to rely solely on savings or government benefits during a period of disability.
  8. Peace of Mind:
    • Having income protection in place offers peace of mind, knowing that your financial well-being is safeguarded, and you have a reliable source of income if you experience a temporary inability to work.

While income protection is valuable, it’s important to carefully review policy terms, waiting periods, benefit periods, and coverage options. Consider consulting with a financial advisor or insurance professional to tailor coverage to your specific needs and ensure that it aligns with your overall financial plan.

The provided information outlines key details and options related to Income Protection Insurance. Let’s break down the main points:

Main Events Covered:

  • Incident of Serious Incapacity: The insurance covers instances where the insured person is seriously incapacitated due to illness or injury, rendering them unable to perform their occupation and not actively working. The benefit provides income after a specified waiting period until the end of the benefit period or until the person can resume work, whichever occurs first.


  1. Agreed Value:
    • The agreed value is determined at the time of application.
  2. Indemnity Option:
    • The indemnity option assesses the value at claim time based on actual circumstances.
  3. Loss of Earnings:
    • Pays a percentage of the loss of earnings.
  4. Combination:
    • Allows for a combination of the above structures.

Additional Features and Benefits:

  1. Offsets at Claim Time:
    • All benefits have offsets considered at claim time, and this can vary among insurers.
  2. Benefit Period:
    • Ranges from 1 year to age 70, discussed and determined at the time of application.
  3. Waiting Period:
    • The stand-down period before the benefit is activated, discussed at application time.
  4. Benefit Recipient:
    • Payments are made to the policy owner(s).
  5. Inflation Adjusted Option:
    • Offers the option to adjust benefits to account for inflation.
  6. Renewability:
    • Generally guaranteed renewable until age 65–70 upon acceptance into the policy.
  7. Premium Structures:
    • Different premium structures are available, including stepped (age-rated) and level premiums. Level premiums may be subject to annual review.

Tips for Maximizing Income Protection Insurance:

  1. Extend Wait Period:
    • If financially feasible, extending the wait period (stand-down period) can lead to more affordable premiums.
  2. Average Premiums:
    • Averaging premiums over the policy term enhances affordability in later years.
  3. Loss of Earnings Contract:
    • Opting for a loss of earnings contract may allow for future adjustments as circumstances change.
  4. Occupation-Related Considerations:
    • Individuals in higher-risk occupations might still qualify for sickness income protection.

Specific Benefits:

  • Bed Confinement Benefit:
    • Specific benefits, such as bed confinement, vary depending on the insurer.
  • Partial Disability Benefit:
    • Offers a reduced benefit for individuals who have been totally disabled for more than two weeks and subsequently remain partially disabled.
  • Specific Injury and Critical Illness Benefits 
    • These benefits generally trigger the income protection benefit before the end of the wiating period assisting on paying the income protection benefit early, these benefits also do not have offsets.

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of Income Protection Insurance depends on individual circumstances, including occupation, financial situation, and future plans. Considering the various structures, features, and tips can help individuals tailor their coverage to meet their specific needs and financial goals. Seeking advice from insurance professionals can provide further clarity on the most suitable options.

Click here to request a quote or feel free to call us on              0800 822 122

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